Habakkuk 3

Habakkuk’s prayer comes after following God’s command in Ch. 2

“Let the whole earth keep silence before (God).”  And, the prophet concludes two things:  evil is under God’s control, and God’s people are made ready by God for that evil.

“God makes my feet like a deer”  Actually a mountain goat.  You’ve seen the nature movies?  The animals are on dangerous crags and vicious weather, yet bound and skip along with abandon.

Christ in us makes us move in and through the times of horror, the times of tears, like that.  How does He make that happen?  Listen to the prayer-song.

HEAD SHIFT:  Habakkuk looked at the world and saw all its wrongs, rather than at the Maker of worlds to see Him in action.  Focusing on the present Spirit more than the current problem opens us up to find God’s ways in our mess.

HEART SHIFT:  Habakkuk had placed his happiness, his security, his notion of good, on things, not their Giver.  After accepting that the world can go to Hades in a handcart, he proclaims, “Yet I will rejoice in God my Savior.”  Hearts bound to the Risen Lord are hearts free to face and triumph in any circumstance.

HANDS SHIFT:  Habakkuk sat on his hands, waiting for God to make it all make sense.  Now, he is set off into his world, a deer bounding across the jagged stones and steep cliffs.  A relationship with God is meant to be lived in action.  We are NEVER allowed to “figure it all out” before we need to live His ways in our moments.

As we live, so shall we discover the work and ways of the Lord.

So, the prophet is here to “check” our heads, our hearts, our hands.  Where are yours?  With Christ, or within the world?

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Union City Presbyterian Church 37 West High St. Union City, PA 16438 (814) 438-2241 Adult Sunday School ~ Sundays 10 AM Worship & Fellowship ~ Sundays 11 AM And... Mill Village Presbyterian Church Church St. Mill Village, PA 16427 Sunday School ~ Sundays 10:30 AM Worship & Fellowship ~ Sundays 9:30 AM Pastor: Rob Willert ~ Come Join Us In Worship! ~
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