“GO AWAY!” 3/17/13

Luke 8:26-39

Jesus’ ministry moves from a place where Jews flourished, to a place where multiculturalism flourished. He went because His ministry was opposed at home.

Ever been there? The faith you have is unwelcome in the midst of people you call family, friends, neighbors? You get that sense of either “keep quiet,” or “go away.” Often, we do one or the other. Jesus kept on–the gospel was too important; the love of God too awesome, to stay opposed by all for long.

He meets a demon-possessed man. The demons demand that Jesus leave. How often have we been there! The sin that bedevils us sticks closer than our own skin. But, the final word is not from evil, but from God. Jesus makes the demon go away, by His own word, by His mighty grace. And so it is with us.

The demons want to be spared, so they ask to stay in the land, only in pigs. Jesus gives them what they want, knowing that the animals will go mad and die, leaving the demons to go where they belong. Evil, beloved, does go away. It is too stupid to stay for long.

In response to the loss of their income, the townspeople demand that Jesus go away. How often does that happen in life! His healing is nothing compared to our comfort. His power over sin and death, if it interferes with our goals and pleasures, gets pushed aside.

Yet, Jesus leaves a witness to the town, a healed, God-touched soul. May we be Him, in our time and place.

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Union City Presbyterian Church 37 West High St. Union City, PA 16438 (814) 438-2241 Adult Sunday School ~ Sundays 10 AM Worship & Fellowship ~ Sundays 11 AM And... Mill Village Presbyterian Church Church St. Mill Village, PA 16427 Sunday School ~ Sundays 10:30 AM Worship & Fellowship ~ Sundays 9:30 AM Pastor: Rob Willert ~ Come Join Us In Worship! ~
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