Psalm 131

I know a child who, in second grade, was moved up to 7th grade algebra. You know, (a+b)y = y(a+b). The child soon left the class. Adding letters made no sense at all!

The concepts were too high. Sometimes so are our reasons for prayer. Or, most often, they are not high enough!

Many people prayed for this election, and didn’t get what they wanted. They were sure God agreed with their view of the world, and where the world was headed, and how best to stop it. But, suppose God doesn’t want it stopped?

Remember, right after the disciples praise Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus tells them He will be arrested, crucified, then risen again? What does Peter say, “Never, Lord!” His sincere love for Jesus, his understanding, blinded him, so that He could not see God’s purpose in Jesus’ death. This is praying too high.

Praying higher would involve asking Jesus, “Lord, how must this be so?” It would involve searching for God’s heart and intention in every situation, rather than slap our desires onto God.

Praying higher would mean our seeking to know God and God alone, then finding the courage and passion to walk in that relationship back out of our prayer room and into a prayerless world.

I do not concern myself with great matters, or things too wonderful for me.” We pray for God’s will, and the means to do it.

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Union City Presbyterian Church 37 West High St. Union City, PA 16438 (814) 438-2241 Adult Sunday School ~ Sundays 10 AM Worship & Fellowship ~ Sundays 11 AM And... Mill Village Presbyterian Church Church St. Mill Village, PA 16427 Sunday School ~ Sundays 10:30 AM Worship & Fellowship ~ Sundays 9:30 AM Pastor: Rob Willert ~ Come Join Us In Worship! ~
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