“WHY EXPECT THIS?” 2/17/13

Luke 6:1-20-49

Here is Luke’s version of what we call in Matthew “The Sermon On The Mount”. He is speaking to His followers. This pattern of behavior is expected of those who follow Him. It is expected of us.

Why? Loving enemies is painful. Suffering in this life is unpleasant. Putting up with people is annoying. At the end of this section, Jesus gives two reasons why.

First, is that the godliness we say we have must be seen and appreciated by others. That would be “good fruit.” Otherwise, we are producing “bad fruit,” and no one wants that! Second, is that living any other way leads to our destruction, and the ruin of what we hold dear. Faith that is not lived this way is building a soul and a life on sand.

Take one presently favorite example. “Do not judge.” For many, this means that all behavior must be acceptable. Well, would that notion produce good fruit in a child? In a family? In a nation? Would that notion keep a person, a family, and a community solid, sound, and strong?

Of course not. So that is not what it means. It does mean that a follower of Jesus must do the following things:  Love someone enough to point out consequences of their behavior; help those in those consequences; not fall into either the behavior or consequences as a Christian. Leave God to work in and on someone’s life. We are to follow God, and do what the Spirit directs us to do, not what we feel others so richly deserve.

We live this way because God is alive in us to live this way!

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Union City Presbyterian Church 37 West High St. Union City, PA 16438 (814) 438-2241 Adult Sunday School ~ Sundays 10 AM Worship & Fellowship ~ Sundays 11 AM And... Mill Village Presbyterian Church Church St. Mill Village, PA 16427 Sunday School ~ Sundays 10:30 AM Worship & Fellowship ~ Sundays 9:30 AM Pastor: Rob Willert ~ Come Join Us In Worship! ~
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